Tuesday 30 April 2013

What Are the Features of Java?

Features of any Programing language are nothing, but the service or the basic facilities Provided by the language to the Industry program for the development of Real-World application.

The Java Programing language Provides thirteen(13) Features:

1. Simple

2. Platform Independent

3. Architecture neutral

4. Portable

5. Multi threaded

6. Network

7. Distributed

8. High performance

9. Robust (strong)

10. Interpreted

11. Dynamic

12. Secured

13. Object Oriented Programing


Java is of the simple programing language, because of the following factors.

The language Java doesn't support the concept of pointers that is  java language is Free From pointer. Hence we get less application development time and less application execution time because of the magic of byte code.


Platform independent:

A platform Independent language oblique technology is one whose related application run on every operating system without considering their vender.
Architectural Neutral:

An Architectural Neutral  application is those, which are running on every processor without considering These Vendors and Artie.



A portable application is one, which runs on every operating system  and processor without considering Archie and vendors.

The applications of C,C++,Pascal,cobalt, etc. are treated as Non-portable application.

The applications of java are by default portable, according to  the sun micro system portability is equal to platform independent plus architectural  neutral.


Industry is always recommended to develop the distributed application with portable technology only but not by non-portable technology, because the developer needed not to spend many amounts of time to write a special programing to run of every operating system   on  a processor.


Multi threaded:

The basic aim of multi threading is to achieve concurrent execution. A flow of control is known as thread. The basic purpose of thread is to execute user defined methods. IF a java program is containing multiple flow of control than that java program is known as Multi threaded.



The basic aim of networking is to share the data between multiple machine, which are located either in same network or in the different network.

A Network is a collection of " inter connected Atamous/non autonomous computer connected to the server."



According to industry standards, every Java application is distributed application, based on the running process of the java project java projects are classified into two types.

They are 1.Centralized application 2. Distributed application

A centralized application is one, which run within the context of single server, and it can be access across the global by authorized people.

Example is SBI application.

Distributed application is one, which run within the context of multiple servers, and it can be access as across the globe by both authorize and unauthorized people.

Example is Yahoo.


High performance:

Java is one of the high-performance languages because of the following factors.

1. Magic of byte code.

2 Inbuilt garbage collection.

The above two factors given by sun


Robust (strong):

When ever we write any program in any language, we get two types of errors, these compile time error and Run time error.

Compile time error are those which are listed during  of the program provided. The Programmer is not following the syntax of the language.

Run time error are those which occur during execution of the program provide the normal user enter invalid input.

Run time error in the java program are known as exception.

The basic advantage of java language is that, it can handle all types of Run-time errors, and it gives as a suitable message to the normal user.



In the older version of java compilation phase is very faster and interpreted phase is slow ,this one of the complain given by an industry programmer to the sun micro system.

Sun micro system as return a program like JIT(just in time compiler) and added a part of JVM to speed up the interpreted phase by reading the entire section of byte code and converting into native understanding form of OS. Hence in the current version of java interpreted  phase is very fast than compilation phase of java. Sun micro system has populated java is one of highly interpreted programing language.



If we write any program during its run time whatever input, we are entire, that input must be stored in main memory of computer by allocating sufficient memory space the memory can be allocated in any program language in two ways.

There are

1.Static/compile time memory allocation.

2. Dynamic /run time memory allocation.

Java program language never follows static memory allocation, but it always follows dynamic memory allocation but making New Operation.

Since java is following dynamic memory location sun micro system has populated, it is as one of the Dynamic program languages.



Security is one of the principles invented by industry expert to prevent the confidential information from an unauthorized user.


thank for nice java tutorials keep posting

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