Monday 29 April 2013

What Is Different Between FTP and HTTP? What Is Stateless and State Full Protocols?



1. It is one of Protocol comes under UDP.

1. It is one of protocol comes under TCP.
2. FTP is of the non acknowledgment oriented protocol.

2. Http is of the acknowledgement oriented protocol.

3. FTp is one of the state full Protocol.

3. Http is of the stateless protocol.

4. FTP is use in low level application (other than internet Application).

4. Http is used in high level Application ie internet Application.

Definition of Stateless Protocol:

A stateless Protocol is one ,which maintains an identity of the client for a limited spam of time.

Example of stateless protocol:


Definition of Sate full Protocol:

A State full  protocol is One, which maintain an Identity of client Forever.

Example of State-full Protocol:



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