Thursday 30 January 2014

Add default WordPress tag meta box to User Profile

Unfortunately, I'd say the answer is no.
You could hijack (copy + paste) the code from post_categories_meta_box() and try to adapt it to the user, however you'd spend more time trying to reconnect all the pieces. I'm pretty sure the post meta boxes use ajax to save and add new terms, so you'd have to hijack some javascript and modify that as well.
I think your best bet is to continue down the path you're on. You can add an overflow:scroll; css property to your checkbox container so that it doesn't get too long.
I reversed engineered the post meta boxes for the front end a few months ago, and it wasn't too hard. I wouldn't suggest trying to reuse the markup and php functions from the core though. Instead, use them as a guide if you get stuck.


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