Friday 24 January 2014

explains HTML5 Local Storage

HTML5 local storage is structured on named key/value pairs, unlike other databases that make use of SQL-intense applications. Data is stored based on a named key. After that, data may be retrieved using the same key. The named key is in a string format. The data may be of any type supported by JavaScript, such as Booleans, strings, floats or integers. Even so, the data is generally saved as a string. If users store and retrieve anything other than strings, they must make use of functions, such as parseFloat() or parseInt(), to coerce the recovered data to the expected JavaScript datatype.
From the JavaScript code, HTML5 local storage may be accessed through a localStorage object on the global window object. The localStorage object stores the data without any expiration date. The data is not wiped, even after closing the browser, and may be accessed at any time. Because it is client-side, stored data is based on the browser that is used.


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