Saturday 1 February 2014

Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi wlan0 monitor mode [closed]

I am running kali linux on my pi using this wifi dongle.
I am trying to get my wifi dongle into monitor mode. I am able to get the card into monitor mode usingthese drivers, however upon reboot I cannot get the card back into monitor mode without going through the install of the drivers again.
Is there some start up settings that I have to alter to get the card to be recognized?


Ok so once you booted you need to do this right for wireless to work?
depmod 3.6.11+
rmmod 8192cu
modprobe rtl8192cu
So you unload this old/default driver(8129cu)
rmmod 8192cu
So the module itself is still there, so after each reboot it gets loaded. Why don't you just move it?
cd /lib/modules/3.6.11+/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
mv ./8192cu.ko ./8192cu.ko.old
Then you will have only your custom one there rtl8192cu.ko, which will get loaded without default one.


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