Saturday 1 February 2014

Elegant workaround for JavaScript floating point number problem

For the mathematically inclined:
The recommended approach is to use correction factors (multiply by a suitable power of 10 so that the arithmetic happens between integers). For example, in the case of 0.1 * 0.2, the correction factor is 10, and you are performing the calculation:
> var x = 0.1
> var y = 0.2
> var cf = 10
> x * y
> (x * cf) * (y * cf) / (cf * cf)
A (very quick) solution looks something like:
var _cf = (function() {
function _shift(x) {
var parts = x.toString().split('.');
return (parts.length < 2) ? 1 : Math.pow(10, parts[1].length);
return function() {
return, function (prev, next) { return prev === undefined || next === undefined ? undefined : Math.max(prev, _shift (next)); }, -Infinity);

Math.a = function () {
var f = _cf.apply(null, arguments); if(f === undefined) return undefined;
function cb(x, y, i, o) { return x + f * y; }
return, cb, 0) / f;

Math.s = function (l,r) { var f = _cf(l,r); return (l * f - r * f) / f; };

Math.m = function () {
var f = _cf.apply(null, arguments);
function cb(x, y, i, o) { return (x*f) * (y*f) / (f * f); }
return, cb, 1);

Math.d = function (l,r) { var f = _cf(l,r); return (l * f) / (r * f); };
In this case:
> Math.m(0.1, 0.2)
I definitely recommend using a tested library like SinfulJS


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