Saturday 1 February 2014

Prevent Adblock Users from Accessing Website? [closed]

Im one of the Users who use Adblock. And i love it.

That question could be interesting for all of us. Once i visited a german developer website, I just saw a jquery fancybox, on that box there was a Message something like this: "You are using Adblock, this site is financed with ads. If you want be able to see the content deactivate Adblock or Remove it."
First i thought WOW thats funny. Im sure there is also an hack for this. Just using another user agent would give you access to the website content or not? ididnt tested but it could be Possible. In Future most Website Owners will prevent Users seeing the content of the site who uses Adblock.
How could we implement an Script like the above? nomatter which language we use javascript,php,asp,jsp and how could we hack it? with hack i mean seeing the content without deactivating the Adblock.

Personally I will not stop adblock users visiting my site - there is such thing as freedom of the internet. As my site allows you freedom to say and discuss pretty much what you want, then doing such a thing would be hypocritical.
However having said that I would appreciate it if people did visit then they could turn off adblock for my sites pages. I do not have the massive finances to run my site like the big corporations and stores, so it would be a shame if I did have to remove guest posting or make my members pay a small subscription.
Some Internet users assume that small forum and website owners make a fortune in advertizing - this is a myth, in fact we barely even scrape a few bucks towards the hosting costs. Please try to remember this as many of your favorite website will be making a few dollars and taking away that valuable income may see your favorite website disappear.


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